
About the CBC Jobs Initiative

Unemployment in the African American community continues to hover devastating highs with a reported 16.2% unemployment.  It is time for action on the most important issue of our time—economic opportunity, jobs!  Every American deserves the right to be gainfully employed in order to take care of their family and pursue the American dream.  Over 100 days into the 112th Congress, the Republican Leadership has critically failed the American people by not following through on their promise to create jobs.  However, the Congressional Black Caucus is committed to that right and will not rest until there is parity in access to economic opportunity.

To address the unemployment crisis and the need for job creation solutions in undeserved communities, the Congressional Black Caucus called upon private and public sector partners to immediately remedy the crisis by going into communities with legitimate, immediate employment opportunities for the underserved.  Additionally, the Caucus is reaching out to communities to receive their proposed solutions, advice, and ideas on how best to immediately address the crisis.  The Caucus is implementing a three-pronged strategy to address the economic crisis in vulnerable communities:

  1. hosting town hall meetings and job fairs in hardest hit, economically distressed areas to provide opportunities for people to be connected to real employment opportunities as well as provide community members to offer feedback on upcoming CBC proposals;
  2. introducing legislation that will create tangible, legitimate job opportunities; and
  3. drafting a report that includes the outcome from each community visited and solutions for long-term job creation and economic growth.

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus will travel the country for the CBC’s For the People Jobs Initiative. Look for us in a city near you!


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