
The Congressional Tri-Caucus Chairs’ Statement on the Potential Government Shutdown

The Congressional Tri-Caucus

The Congressional Black Caucus | The Congressional Hispanic Caucus | The Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus


For Immediate Release: April 8, 2011
Communications Director:  Stephanie L. Young CBC o: 202.226.5312 c: 202.731.2621
Communications Director:  Gabriela Domenzain, CHC, 202.226.1390
Communications Director:  Austin Vevurka, CAPAC, 202.225.5464


The Congressional Tri-Caucus Chairs’ Statement on the Potential Government Shutdown

Washington, DC – Today, the Congressional Tri-Caucus—comprised of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus— released the following statement on the potential government shutdown:

“As the Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, I’m particularly concerned about how devastating a government shutdown would be to our most vulnerable communities,”  said  Congressman Charles A. Gonzalez.  “Over 800,000 military personnel and  federal workers would be impacted should the Republicans force a  shut down.  Over 1 million students enrolled in work-study and receiving federal financial aid, wouldn’t receive the assistance they need to continue their education should Republicans force a shut down tonight.  Small businesses struggling to succeed wouldn’t receive their loans, soldiers and veterans that have fought valiantly to protect us wouldn’t get paid, and millions of others that are assisted by crucial government programs would be left to fend for themselves.   It is incomprehensible to me why Republicans would chose to hurt rather than help American families during these hard economic times.”

“This government shutdown will disproportionally harm Asian Pacific Americans and other minorities,” said Congresswoman Judy Chu, Chairwoman of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus. “And this shutdown isn’t even about spending cuts. We’ve met them almost 80% of the way. The Republicans are holding America hostage and threatening to shutdown the government in order to push an ideological social agenda. Republicans are saying if we don’t defund health care for women, then they will put 800,000 people out of work, withhold pay to our men and women in uniform, derail our economy, and deny millions access to critical health services.”

“ A government shutdown is a lose-lose situation, and a distraction from the real issues—responsibly reducing the deficit and balancing the budget”, said Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Emanuel Cleaver, II. “It is also a waste of time and even Speaker Boehner has admitted that a government shutdown will actually cost more than it saves. Most importantly, it affects the very people we were sent here to serve and protect. Hundreds of thousands of federal workers who are the primary bread winners in their homes—many of whom are disproportionately in CBC Member districts—will be gravely impacted by a shutdown. Our nation is desperately trying to overcome a recession that began well over two years ago. Upon learning last week that more than 1.8 million jobs have been created in a little over a year, the Republican leadership is leading us to a government shutdown which would devastate the progress we have made.  It is beyond irresponsible to allow a shutdown just as our economy is starting to recover. It is my hope that the Congressional leadership realizes that in order to prevent a shutdown, compromising is an essential part of the equation. Stop playing politics with the livelihood of the American people.”



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