
Chairman Cleaver’s Statement on Preventing the King Amendment that Would Have Prohibited Final Payments for Black Farmers

Washington, DC – Today, Chairman Emanuel Cleaver released the following statement on the King Amendment that would have stripped black farmers of their final settlement:


“The King Amendment would have prohibited the use of funds to make payments to black farmers relating to the final settlement of claims from Pigford v. Glickman.  I am beyond ecstatic that the Congressional Black Caucus voted unanimously to ensure the amendment’s failure.  For years, Black farmers have faced discrimination—not only from businesses, but from the very government that was meant to protect them—not on our watch.  We will not let that happen again. It is time that Republicans think of more meaningful ways to reduce the deficit, but not on the backs of hard working farmers or any other group of hard working Americans.”


-                      Chairman Emanuel Cleaver, II

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