The Congressional Black Caucus’ National Black Leadership Summit on the Jobs Crisis
Washington, DC – As unemployment numbers within the African American community continues to soar, the Congressional Black Caucus will hold the first National Black Leadership Summit on the Jobs Crisis tomorrow in preparation for its “For the People” Jobs Initiative, which will include townhall meetings and jobs fairs in cities around country. This critical roundtable discussion will be lead by Chairman Emanuel Cleaver, II and the members of the CBC. The CBC will join national leaders including Rainbow Push Coalition’s Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr., Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, Dr. Howard Creecy of SCLC, and many more to discuss the effects of the country’s recession on the African American community and the best methods to address the jobs crisis. There will be press availability directly following the meeting. More details are included below:
Who: The Congressional Black Caucus & National African American Leaders
What: The National Black Leadership Summit on the Jobs Crisis
When: Tomorrow Thursday July 7, 2011 9am -11:30am
Where: Capitol Visitors Center, Room HVC-201
Press Availability: 11:30am