
Chairman Cleaver’s Statement on the Recent Unemployment Numbers

For Immediate Release: October 7, 2011

Washington, DC – Today Chairman Emanuel Cleaver released the following statements on the recent unemployment numbers:


“By now, we should all understand the stagnant economic condition in which our country finds itself. The economy will only continue to worsen if we do not act quickly to address it.  With 9.1% overall unemployment and African American unemployment slightly decreasing from 16.7% to 16%, both remain astronomically high.  I never thought I would see the day that politics trumped legislative productivity—providing policy solutions that create opportunities for the American people so that they can care for themselves and their families. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus have seen firsthand the devastating economic conditions of millions of African American families and millions of other American families that is why we launched our national ‘For the People’ Jobs Initiative. CBC members have introduced over fifty job creation bills since the beginning of the 112th Congress,  in addition to providing nine job creation recommendations targeting our nation’s most vulnerable communities.


“President Obama has introduced a solid bipartisan jobs plan, with the American Jobs Act, that will put millions of Americans back to work. To stand by and allow our nation’s economic condition to deteriorate in the name of politics with the hopes of winning an election is outrageous. It is time for the American people to stand up and demand that the American Jobs Act is considered and passed immediately.  The members of the CBC are doing all we can but we need the entire Congress to put politics aside for the betterment of the country.”


- Chairman Emanuel Cleaver, II

To read more about the CBC Jobs Initiative and our nine job creation recommendation click HERE.

To contact your Representative click HERE.

To find out how the American Jobs Act will benefit African Americans click HERE.

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